REVISTA Nº 72 Abril-Junio de 2005 | |
EL CONOCIMIENTO MORAL COMO DOMINIO ESPECÍFICO. Isidro Pecharromán Tristán. Licenciado en Filosofía. Doctor en Psicología. Profesor de Enseñanza Secundaria. |
ABSTRACT: In this paper we consider if it is possible regard moral knowledge as a specific domain. First we wonder if our knowledge is general (Piaget) or domain specific. Some views on this subject are examined and two domains are provisionally accepted: Physical and Social. Is Moral Knowledge a specific domain, different from Social one? What evolutionary psychology, sociobioloy, behaviourism, psychoanalysis ….state on the topic, is considered. Then, we answer in the affirmative, basing this stance on the Philosophy and Moral Cognitive Psychology with special attention to Turiel. Related to this subject, special epistemological conceptions that people hold about moral are reported. |